UX Director

Ian Armstrong

UX Lead

Julio Takayama

Visual Design Lead

Julio Takayama

Research Lead

Ian Armstrong

Content Strategist

Margot Lopez

Analytics Lead

Lester Tanquilut

Team Members

Neha Bharti, Tim Sunderman, Karen Cannon

Security & Trust Center

Our work on Dell’s Trust Center required over a year of back and forth between cross-functional teams, the security and resilience organization, and our lawyers who had to approve every single bit of microcopy. In that kind of environment, it’s easy to lose sight of the goal, the narrative, or both and let stakeholder relationships fray into micromanagement. Thanks to a strong agile process, an excellent strategic foundation, and a committed lead UX Designer the project stayed on track.

This was the project where we dipped in UEQ for the first time. The original version left a lot to be desired, chalking up subpar ratings in every area measured. The prototype and final release saw increases of 1.5 or more points, which is a massive boost on such a limited scale.

The design itself had to incorporate dense certification information, security advisories, and technical documentation while still adhering to an accessible UX narrative that invites people to learn more with a friendly approach.

The combined IA, process, and visual approach make this some of our finest – and most unlikely work.

Contact Information

Designed by Ian Armstrong with Goran Babarogic

Contact Information

Designed by Ian Armstrong with Goran Babarogic